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Male supremacist ideologies pose multiple threats to college sexual violence prevention efforts. Misogynist incels, among other male supremacists, are often unacknowledged in sexual violence prevention, yet may be influencing college students. This study applies antifascist principles to confront male supremacist influences in higher education. We conducted 17 semistructured interviews with college sexual violence prevention professionals that prompted their response to a scenario with implicit warning signs of misogynist incel influences. Responses to the scenario and subsequent follow-up questions were used to assess participants’ understanding of threats posed by male supremacism and ideas for resources to combat these threats, analyzed through consensual coding and thematic analysis. Only some participants recognized misogynist incel warning signs. Participants lacked professional pathways for learning about male supremacism and needed ways to learn about male supremacism that protect their safety and wellness. Participants wanted sources that critically analyze male supremacist influences, tools for stopping male supremacist violence, and to mobilize professional networks. The findings inform key considerations for designing resources to combat male supremacist influences in higher education.
The proportion of females whose ASD diagnosis is missed is unknown. The ratio of males to females with ASD is generally quoted as 4:1, though it is believed that there are biases preventing females from being diagnosed and that the true ratio is lower…. A mathematical model was constructed to compare the findings with current published data. The true male-to-female ratio appears to be 3:4. Eighty percent of females remain undiagnosed at age 18
Totally ready for people to stop policing others' undergarments.
“The benefits of social transition must be enjoyed by all members of our community, including those who do not use (or just use) she/he/they pronouns. Non-binary communities also need to embrace body positivity and fat liberatory politics in order to free our population from the idea that to be androgynous you must be skinny In fact the idea that you have to be androgynous in order to be non-binary needs to be deconstructed as it is based on the medicalisation of our gender identities – that to be a specific gender you must have a particular body shape, and to be trans, you must change your body shape to match the ideal body shape for your gender.”
“Ableism must be included in our analysis of oppression and in our conversations about violence, responses to violence and ending violence. Ableism cuts across all of our movements because ableism dictates how bodies should function against a mythical norm—an able-bodied standard of white supremacy, heterosexism, sexism, economic exploitation, moral/religious beliefs, age and ability. Ableism set the stage for queer and trans people to be institutionalized as mentally disabled; for communities of color to be understood as less capable, smart and intelligent, therefore “naturally” fit for slave labor; for women’s bodies to be used to produce children, when, where and how men needed them; for people with disabilities to be seen as “disposable” in a capitalist and exploitative culture because we are not seen as “productive;” for immigrants to be thought of as a “disease” that we must “cure” because it is “weakening” our country; for violence, cycles of poverty, lack of resources and war to be used as systematic tools to construct disability in communities and entire countries.“