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The Bureau of Prisons is moving forward with plans to move transgender inmates out of prisons that align with their gender identity and into facilities that align with their assigned<strong> </strong>sex at birth.
Trump's anti-transgender order, which declared that there are only two biological sexes and they “are not changeable,” also references an anti-abortion strategy.
Kristian Rouse
c/o Kelly McKinsey
PO Box 5895
Bakersfield CA 93388
“In this study there were 3,398 patients, 16 mentioned regret or detransition.
12 attribute this to social pressure, and only 3 de-transitioned with no intention to transition again.
That’s 3 people from a sample of 3,398 trans people.”
...meanwhile, weight loss with a less than 5% long term success rate, is often a requirement for HRT, and it’s the most common recommended “treatment” from everything to broken fingers to sinus infections for fat people.
It’s almost like medical gate keeping has nothing to do with patient care and everything to do with the status quo and bigotry.
“The benefits of social transition must be enjoyed by all members of our community, including those who do not use (or just use) she/he/they pronouns. Non-binary communities also need to embrace body positivity and fat liberatory politics in order to free our population from the idea that to be androgynous you must be skinny In fact the idea that you have to be androgynous in order to be non-binary needs to be deconstructed as it is based on the medicalisation of our gender identities – that to be a specific gender you must have a particular body shape, and to be trans, you must change your body shape to match the ideal body shape for your gender.”
The State is a virus masquerading as the vaccine.