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Left Coast Right Watch is an investigative journalism outlet dedicated to covering politics and extremism.
The global pro-Palestinian movement must not fall for short-term goals that do not address Palestinian demands.
The norms you want to protect are already gone. The ends don't justify the means, but they do define them. Tips on living in a fascist nation in a time of rising fascist power.
As a 14 year boy in nazi occupied Norway, he knocked out a Nazi with a literal fucking ham.
- Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
- Create a gulag
- Develop a thug caste
- Set up an internal surveillance system
- Harass citizens' groups
- Engage in arbitrary detention and release
- Target key individuals
- Control the press
- Dissent equals treason
- Suspend the rule of law
“The benefits of social transition must be enjoyed by all members of our community, including those who do not use (or just use) she/he/they pronouns. Non-binary communities also need to embrace body positivity and fat liberatory politics in order to free our population from the idea that to be androgynous you must be skinny In fact the idea that you have to be androgynous in order to be non-binary needs to be deconstructed as it is based on the medicalisation of our gender identities – that to be a specific gender you must have a particular body shape, and to be trans, you must change your body shape to match the ideal body shape for your gender.”
This is what fascism looks like.