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Over the last four days, the bizarre Cybertruck fire outside a Trump hotel in Las Vegas has run from comical interlude to possible terrorist incident to tragic…
Male supremacist ideologies pose multiple threats to college sexual violence prevention efforts. Misogynist incels, among other male supremacists, are often unacknowledged in sexual violence prevention, yet may be influencing college students. This study applies antifascist principles to confront male supremacist influences in higher education. We conducted 17 semistructured interviews with college sexual violence prevention professionals that prompted their response to a scenario with implicit warning signs of misogynist incel influences. Responses to the scenario and subsequent follow-up questions were used to assess participants’ understanding of threats posed by male supremacism and ideas for resources to combat these threats, analyzed through consensual coding and thematic analysis. Only some participants recognized misogynist incel warning signs. Participants lacked professional pathways for learning about male supremacism and needed ways to learn about male supremacism that protect their safety and wellness. Participants wanted sources that critically analyze male supremacist influences, tools for stopping male supremacist violence, and to mobilize professional networks. The findings inform key considerations for designing resources to combat male supremacist influences in higher education.
Who would've thought settlers would be rapists and liars?