8 private links
Thomas Moyer is accused of offering bribes in the form of iPads worth $70,000 in order to obtain concealed firearms licenses.
Listen, I’m not saying that they definitely changed their name so as not to be associated with uptick in antiracist activism being painted with the “riot” brush, but I’m saying it sure is an interesting coincidence.
“The technology that powers the nation’s leading automated speech recognition systems makes twice as many errors when interpreting words spoken by African Americans as when interpreting the same words spoken by whites.”
True story: my wedding was shamed on the internet before it was cool.
Complicated, but an interesting overview of how social networks and AI are perpetuating the segregation problems of offline life.
not even sure how this is legal.
also Accenture is one of the companies that some Social Security Ticket To Work contractors recommend to disabled people who are trying to go back to work. Not a good look.
the app "works by comparing a photo to a database of more than 3 billion pictures" it's scraped from all over the internet.