do i blog again? do i give up on any kind of public voice? i honestly have no idea. maybe let’s try again.
i’ve been seeing people touting the miracle that is oat milk, framed as an alternative to almond milk, which is currently being demonized for the perceived amount of resources required. however, almonds are still better than animal-based dairy, and subsidies are never factored into these calculations. Not only that, but almonds themselves grow on trees that don’t need replanting year after year, which is better for the air quality for local workers and residents, compared to fields replanted each season (and that’s not even addressing the less ethical practices of field burning as a means of turning it over for a new crop).
anyway… i wish that the oat bandwagon wasn’t shitting on people with celiac and wheat allergy. seems like the vast majority of gluten-free fad dieters are totes cool with oating the hell out of their lives, and since companies only care about selling product, they sure as shit don’t care about oat contamination for the small minority of the GF market who has to be GF for medical reasons.
yet another way the world isn’t made for people like me.