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Eosinophil-associated disorders can affect practically all tissues and organs in the body, either individually or in combination. This article provides an overview of end-organ manifestations of eosinophilia, discussing selected organ systems ...
32 months into the pandemic, more than 66% of the world’s population is estimated to have some form of immunity against SARS-CoV-2, either through infection (‘natural’), vaccination (‘artificial’) or both (‘hybrid’). Hybrid immunity emerged as a form of ‘super immunity’ in 2021, when convalescent people receiving vaccine doses were found to have neutralizing antibody titres on average 50-fold higher than unvaccinated convalescent individuals1.
catching Covid makes you more likely to catch a later variant.
The virus can exhaust your T Cells, either killing them or making them go haywire. As they say, “T lymphocytes from COVID-19 patients underwent pronounced apoptosis compared to those from the healthy donors, showing a more than tenfold increase of apoptotic cells.” In case you’re wondering, apoptosis means cell death. Those T Cells also helped carry the virus to other parts of the body, acting like a subway for Covid.
Key takeaway: Covid kills T Cells.
It makes you more vulnerable to other diseases.