Book: Wheat Belly by William Davis

Here is a book that I could not read, because it was so focused on the OMG! OBESITY! PANIC!, that it was hard to find any usable info.

I suppose I should’ve expected that with a title like Wheat Belly, but it’d been long recommended by people in the celiac disease community as the “a-ha!” guide to making sense of the hundreds of seemingly unrelated symptoms of celiac disease. But these authors brought everything back to fatness and weight, as glutenfreedom as the cure, and that being fat is icky.

They say glutenous, they mean gluttonous.

Anyway, I skimmed the whole book and couldn’t find a single page that didn’t loop back to anti-fatness.

I was hoping for a book about the history of wheat and how that impacts the body, but this book ain’t it.

Disease names

It’s long past time to stop naming rare (or any) diseases after the people who discover them.

Naming chemicals and elements and other scientific discoveries makes sense… mostly. (Too many times where the people who did most of the work didn’t get any of the credit.)

But diseases aren’t just diseases. There are human beings attached to those diseases. Human beings who likely experienced years of suffering, misdiagnoses, incorrect treatments, possibly disbelief or being treated poorly, perhaps accused of malingering. Who knows how many people died without knowing what was wrong with them.

Give diseases accurate names.

We really don’t need any more Asperger’s syndromes.

Bad covid science

Today a nurse tried to say “Damn China since the news has finally agreed it is a man-made virus from the Lab in Wuhan.” A quick search brought up Snopes’s take, and “all” the media outlets are right wing or known tabloids… hardly “all.”

I’ve had a lot of bad healthcare experiences in my life. It’s hard to trust any of them when you don’t know which ones are buying into this drivel.

It’a dangerous out there for patients.