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Olivia Clawson
Interim report, October 2022
In this national survey study of 1733 US adults, nearly half of participants reported misrepresentation and/or nonadherence regarding COVID-19 public health measures. The most common reasons included wanting life to feel normal and wanting to exercise personal freedom.
We have entered a new stage of erasure of children, of the disabled, and of the vulnerable. Healthism and its sibling, eugenics, have been unapologetically espoused during the COVID pandemic by our country’s leadership.
I believe we are watching, in real time, the development of a new system of permanently burdening people we do not value. This experience causes me to see more clearly the many inequities we have long endured as somehow normal, even though they could easily have been addressed. Why do we not have adequate ventilation in schools? Why do we allow evictions to occur without an immediate provision of social services to protect those who lose their homes? Why should a diabetic ever go without the best medicine to control their blood glucose levels? Why do we allow drinking water to be polluted? Why is our built environment so hostile to people who do not fit within our narrow norm of ability? Because this is who we are.
October 2020:
The official embrace of herd immunity is an admission that the White House’s sabotaging of testing efforts, its failure to provide protective equipment and its misleading of the public were all deliberately designed to sacrifice human lives for the sake of the “economy.”
Most importantly, the White House’s embrace of the document is a statement of intent for mass homicide. It plans to allow additional hundreds of thousands of people to die amid a global resurgence of the pandemic caused by the premature abandonment of business closures and other efforts to contain the pandemic.