7 private links
Facebook has boldly face-planted right into one of the few remaining types of fuckups it hasn’t before: quietly abandoning a pile of drilling equipment under the ocean.
Instead of just eating less meat because it’s not necessary, it’s become acceptable to experiment on animals to make them less-bad for the environment before being turned into tasty hamburger.
Where would science be today, if it weren’t for bloodthirsty capitalists?
“Banning straws or making the inaccurate claim that using inhalers is worse than eating meat is a failure to acknowledge that a singular harmful activity is a very marginal component of the overall burden created by humanity. For instance, fishing gear is a far bigger contributor to ocean pollution than straws and petrochemical companies are some of the world’s biggest polluters. The cost of “doing the right thing” can be high when it involves hyperfocusing on relatively minor resource usage, sometimes in a literal sense, as ecofriendly products are often expensive and environmentally unfriendly options don’t always have viable alternatives. Injection supplies, for example, can be perceived as wasteful, but some diabetics need needles to survive and it’s nearly impossible to sterilize needles for reuse. And yet, people continue to buy into the idea that the personal overrides the institutional when it comes to environmental action, despite evidence that there’s little we can do on our own, unless we have the resources and the power of Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, and others of their ilk.”
This happened with CFC inhalers too.
Discussion of the ethics of spraying pesticides across entire communities to reduce mosquito borne diseases in Michigan.
People have good reason to be distrustful, from Agent Orange to Flint’s lead-tainted water.
"overpopulation is destroying the planet" is a myth created to demonize the global south and poorer nations. a child born in the united states has more of an impact on the environment than a child born elsewhere.
Inmates are among the most vulnerable populations on our warming planet—and among the most ignored.
sad news :(
The Union of Concerned Scientists has published a paper concluding we’ll be seeing way more hotter days in the coming years due to climate change.
private corporations contracted to provide services for national parks are trowing recycling in landfills, and worse.